Science, Spirituality & Management
A platform for exploring, expressing and sharing of great Ideas, stories, experiences, philosophies, perspectives and learnings.
Forum Discussion on the Platform of Corporate Ashram
“Relevance of Sanskrit for Modern Day Education 2016”

Knowledge Partner : MLBD
Hosting Partner : Mahavir Sr. Model School, Delhi
Scholars on Panel : Dr Sampadanand Mishra, Dr.Bairam Shukla, Ms. Anton ia Ruppel ( St James, UK) and Mr. Prashant Singh
Forum Discussion on the Platform of Corporate Ashram
“Relevance of Sanskrit for Modern Day Education 2015”

Knowledge Partner : MLBD
Hosting Partner : GllS, Noida
Scholars on Panel : Dr Sampadanand Mishra, Dr.Bairam Shukla, Ms. Anton ia Ruppel ( St James, UK) and Mr. Prashant Singh