My Beautiful Saturday Evenings !

Talks to share great Ideas, stories, experiences, philosophies, perspectives and learnings aimed at an individual’s holistic growth and development concentrating on the single unit of ‘SELF’ and its relationship with 'LIFE'.

Good Ideas, Good Thoughts.

Meet-Ups Till Now...

Thought Leadership: Origin of Thought and the Presence of Leadership July 28th, 2012
The Talk: Lira Priyadarsani, an IIM alumnus – A discussion led on the most commonly used business jargons of today "Thought Leadership".
The I of a YOGI April 28th, 2012
The Talk: Jaya – A certified Dale Carnegie Trainer and NLP Practitioner shared ways in which we can understand this 'I', i.e. the many facets of the ego, where she takes us through a journey inward, helps us visit the 'I' of our minds, and in this process, takes us a step closer to connecting with the real SELF - the unknowable, the inexplicable 'I'.
Perceptions- An Overview March 31st, 2012
The Talk: Tapan Mishra – An engineer and a Motivational Speaker explored the functioning of the Universe with The Fundamental Attributes that have an impact on our system and explained about the life force that controls our Perception.
From the Urban Monk Diaries February 25th, 2012
The Talk: An exclusive evening with the author of the book – Urban Monk Diaries, participants explored new ways of looking at Urban Life and its challenges from the perspective of an enlightened mind and how it helps simplify and transform the many roles that we play – Work, Home and Society.
Silencing the mind September, 2011
The Talk: Dr Nagpal - A PhD in Management and a speaker on the subject ‘Spirituality & Management’ took us through a broader view of the meaning of ‘silence’ introducing the four levels of silence viz verbal, mental, emotional and spiritual.
White Swan and the Black Dog August 27th, 2011
The Talk: Anil Bhatnagar, an IITian, is a Times of India Columnist - our lead speaker for the evening raised the awareness of the audience about ego’s origins, dangers, challenges, symptoms and solutions.
From the Urban Monk Diaries June 25th, 2011
The Talk: Ramesh – An engineer and a senior leadership role holder took us through his blog - The Urban Monk Diaries - an adventure that from Zen, Art, Science, Ancient Wisdom and many other -isms and -gies. The author helped participants dig deeper into this adventure and try and understand this philosophy that has helped people transform their lives across the globe.
Metaphysics and Modern Management May 29th, 2011
The Talk: Prabhat Agarwal – An IIT, Delhi graduate took us through the concept of Metaphysics in relation to today’s modern management.
Law of Attraction March 27th, 2011
The Talk: Dr Nagpal - A PhD in Management and a speaker on the subject ‘Spirituality & Management’ shared the Universal Laws, stressing on the "Law of Attraction".
Law of Attraction March 27th, 2011
The Talk: The Movie: "The Secret"

To participate, contribute, organise or sponsor please write to us at